BSc (HONS), D.Clin.Psy, C Psychol, AFBPsS
Chartered and Registered Clinical Psychologist
I am a Registered Clinical Psychologist with over twenty two years clinical experience within the NHS and in private practice.
I have considerable experience in providing therapeutic interventions to children, young people and adults with a broad range of difficulties; including anxiety, mood problems, depression, low self-esteem, parenting issues, attachment issues, bereavement, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and deliberate self-harm.
One of my specialist roles has been working with children and young people with neurodevelopmental disorders in a diagnostic assessment team across Gloucestershire, for over ten years. I have extensive knowledge in working with children and young people with learning disabilities and their parents and have significant experience working in specialist residential schools.
In an assessment role, I have vast experience in providing Expert Opinion to the Family Court, both independently and previously as part of an NHS role.
Qualifications and Governance
Doctor of Clinical Psychology (D.Clin.Psy), University of Surrey, 2003.
Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Manchester Metropolitan University, 1994.
I hold Chartered Status and am an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (BPS)